Customer Satisfaction is our Goal. We will strive to delivery error-free competitive, high Quality Products & Services on time to meet & exceed our Customers Expectation. Our Services will be continuously improved to increase Customer Competitiveness & move PIYUSH STEEL towards long term economic development forwarded by optimization of resources.
PIYUSH STEEL we are committed to total customer satisfaction. Every employee is charged with the responsibility to meet customer requirements and continually improve the quality in keeping with our objectives. Employee development through involvement, training and effective communications is essential in maintaining the satisfaction of its customers. By continuing to improve the ways we treat our customers, employees, and vendors, we will contribute to the mutual business and personal success of all. Top management will hold regular MRM's to ensure quality objectives are met and subject to continual improvements.
We aim to :
» Understand our markets and customer needs and expectations and continuously improve
our service to facilitate growth.
» Provide a high level of service to our customers with as minimum cause for
complaint as possible.
» Maintain a healthy constructive work environment that enables personnel to produce
optimal output.
» Provide a high level of service to our customers with as minimum cause for
complaint as possible.
» Continually comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and improve the
effectiveness of our Quality Management System.